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Pursuant to Administrative Order 2018-74-UFC, an individual seeking a civil domestic violence injunction between the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Monday to Thursday, or 5:00 p.m. Friday to 8:30 a.m. Monday, or any court holiday, or any other day that the court is closed is advised to contact Women In Distress of Broward County, Inc. Crisis Line at 954-761-1133.
The Domestic Violence Intake unit provides assistance to those affected by domestic, repeat, sexual, dating, and stalking violence who are in need of obtaining an injunction for protection. Injunctions are commonly referred to as “restraining orders”.
To obtain a Restraining Order, you may eFile your pleadings utilizing the ePortal filing system or appear in person at one of the following Domestic Violence Service Locations, excluding Courthouse Holidays. The decision is made the same day, and the Petitioner/Counsel is responsible for obtaining a copy of the ruling along with all associated documents.
In the interest of safety, it is suggested that you seek safe shelter throughout this process, as your safety is the most important factor.
In the interest of safety, it is suggested that you seek safe shelter throughout this process, as your safety is the most important factor.
If a Domestic Violence incident occurs after hours, please refer to the After Hours phone number in the Contact Information section.
Your abuser may monitor your internet use. If you have reason to believe your computer is not secure; you may wish to use a computer your abuser does not access. Also, if you have reason to believe that your phone may be traced, vehicle, or any other electronic device, you may temporarily want to look into other means of communication and/or transportation.
The Domestic Violence Department Team helps those affected by domestic; repeat, sexual, dating and stalking violence obtain injunctions for protection. Injunctions are commonly referred to as "restraining orders." Any victim of abuse has the right to file an injunction against their alleged abuser. An Injunction for Protection is a Court Order, often referred to as a restraining order, which places restrictions on an individual who has allegedly committed acts or made threats of violence against another individual. A restraining order may include requirements that restrain the Respondent from further acts of violence; order the Respondent to leave a shared dwelling; prevent the Respondent from coming to your home, school, or place of employment; and/or award temporary custody of minor child(ren).
INSTRUCTIONS — When filing a complaint, bring the following with you:
You should also be able to provide:
If a Restraining Order (Injunction) is granted, there will be a hearing in 15 days or fewer.
Stalking (Florida Statutes 784) is defined as someone who is purposefully following or harassing you repeatedly over a period of time for no legitimate purpose, causing you emotional stress. If in doing so, he/she threatens your life or threatens to harm you, with the intent to cause you to reasonable fear for your safety, then the act becomes aggravated.
This self-help forms pack is available for you to download free of charge.
Domestic Violence (Florida Statutes 741) means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another who is or was residing in the same single dwelling unit. "Family or household member" means spouses, former spouses, persons related by blood or marriage, persons who are presently residing together as if a family or who have resided together in the past as if a family, and persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have resided together at any time.
This self-help forms pack is available for you to download free of charge.
Repeat Violence (Florida Statutes 784) means any assault, battery, sexual battery, or stalking by a person against any other person. Repeat Violence means two incidents of violence or stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must have been within six months of the filing of the petition, which are directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's immediate family member(s) that is a minor. All others must file their own petition.
This self-help forms pack is available for you to download free of charge.
Dating violence (Florida Statutes 784) means violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the consideration of all the following factors:
Dating violence does not include violence in a casual acquaintanceship or violence between individuals who only have engaged in ordinary fraternization in a business or social context.
This self-help forms pack is available for you to download free of charge.
You may file a Sexual Violence restraining order if any one of the following has occurred:
In addition, you must have reported the incident to law enforcement and be cooperating in any criminal proceedings or the Respondent must have been sentenced to prison and the term expired or is due to expire within 90 days.
This self-help forms pack is available for you to download free of charge.
Effective October 1, 2024, pursuant to Florida Statute 741.311, a new initiative is available to enhance safety and provide peace of mind for those who have secured final injunctions for protection against various forms of violence and abuse. A petitioner may now request the Clerk's Office to issue a Hope Card after the court issues a final judgement of injunction for protection under the following Florida Statutes:
Having a Hope Card offers several significant benefits:
How do I Request a Hope Card?
If you have a final injunction for protection, the process of obtaining a Hope Card is straightforward and free of charge.
Central Courthouse Parking
Free parking is provided for victims attending injunction court hearings as well as filing injunction petitions. The Domestic Violence Unit will validate your parking ticket.
The victims must park in the jury parking garage located east of the Courthouse at 540 SE 3rd Avenue, obtain a parking ticket and bring it with you. Upon completion of your filing, we will stamp your parking ticket. The victim must take the stamped ticket to the first floor of the East Garage to receive validation.
Directions To Parking Garage at 540 SE 3rd Avenue
The Clerk’s Office is unable to provide legal advice or assistance. As a pro-se litigant, or self-represented party, it is helpful to educate yourself on the court rules, proper legal filings, and service requirements.
Below you will find helpful information and forms to assist you. For further assistance relating to legal resources and forms, please visit the Self Help Equal Access Center - Law Library. Law Librarians are available to assist you in locating legal resources and forms.
Petition Form Packages
General Forms
Visit our Law Library located on the first floor of the North Wing of the Courthouse to find:
The Florida Supreme Court offers free access to approved Family Law Forms at Click on Self-Help, refer to Family Law forms.
No, there is no fee associated in filing a restraining order.
An injunction is a court order, also referred to as a restraining order, that directs a person not to have any contact with you.
The petitioners will be in our office approximately 30 minutes to an hour filling out paperwork.
To obtain a Restraining Order, you may eFile your pleadings utilizing the ePortal filing system or appear in person at one of the following Domestic Violence Service Locations, excluding Courthouse Holidays.
After an E-Filed petition has been accepted, the Petition is forwarded to the judge for ruling. The decision is made the same day, and Petitioner/counsel is responsible for obtaining a copy of the ruling along with all associated documents.
The Self Help Unit provides local and Florida Supreme Court approved Family Law Forms for a fee to those who choose to represent themselves or cannot afford an attorney. The pro se self-help staff does not provide legal advice.
If the respondent violates the restraining order, you should call law enforcement and report the incident. Also, appear in person at one of the following Domestic Violence Service Locations to file a Petition for Violation of Injunction.
An attorney is not required in order to file for a restraining order. If you wish to be represented by a lawyer, it is your responsibility to hire a lawyer. The Court does not provide a free lawyer for you in domestic violence, family or civil cases.
Children are not allowed in the courtrooms or hearing rooms without a motion to be heard prior to the hearing and order allowing them to testify. No daycare is provided by the courthouse staff. Children may not be left unattended.