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A felony is a serious crime, such as murder, robbery, sexual assault or grand theft. A felony conviction could result in a state prison sentence, loss of certain civil rights and possible exclusion from certain jobs.

Criminal cases can be filed in both the Circuit and County Criminal divisions. The Circuit Criminal division maintains case records for all felony cases. The County Criminal division maintains case records for all Misdemeanor, Traffic Criminal, Municipal Ordinance, and County Ordinance cases.

Court Hearing

The Clerk's Office is unable to change any court date already set on a Felony case. If there is a problem with your upcoming court date, either you or your attorney, should contact the office of the Judge assigned to your case.

Failure to appear for an upcoming court date has serious consequences. A Judge may issue a warrant for your arrest; or you may forfeit any bond money or collateral that you have posted; or if re-arrested, you may be held in jail without bond.

If you have bonded out of jail, or have been released by a Judge, you will be notified by mail of any upcoming court date to the most recent address on file in the Clerk's Case Management System. Therefore, it is your responsibility, to keep the Clerk's Office informed of any address change by coming in-person, or submitting your change of address to the address listed under the Contact Information section on this page.

A Change of Address form is also available for purchase from the Form Downloads button on this page.


If you are on Probation or Community Control, check with your Probation or Community Control Officer for payment instructions.

If you are not on Probation or Community Control, you must have a Judge’s order stating that the Clerk’s office is to collect the money. The order must have the victim’s name and address and the total amount due.

For Felony cases, submit, or bring in-person, cash (in-person only), money orders, personal, or cashier’s checks to the address listed under the Contact Information section on this page. Credit cards are not accepted.

If neither of the above applies to you, check with the agency specified in your Restitution Order.

Sealing and Expungement

There are very strict criteria for sealing or expunging court records. If you have been charged, but not convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense, because adjudication was withheld, or the state declined to prosecute, and you have not had any other court record sealed or expunged in the state, you may be eligible. By Florida law, there are specific charges that cannot be sealed or expunged, regardless of whether an adjudication was withheld.

Pronounced differences exist between a sealed record and a record that has been expunged. A sealed record could be opened for inspection by you, your attorney, a criminal justice agency and, in specific situations, a prospective employer. An expunged record would no longer exist, since the file and any references to it are destroyed.

The Clerk's office has a packet, available at a charge of $0.60 that provides you with detailed instructions on the regulations governing the sealing and expungement of court files. This packet is also available for download from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website,

There are fees, which will be charged, for processing requests for sealing or expungement. The initial fee charged by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is $75.00. There are additional fees charged by the local law enforcement agency, and Clerk of the Courts Office, as well.

After completing the requirements contained in the packet, you will need to prepare paperwork that must be submitted to have the record sealed or expunged. This paperwork is not supplied in the Clerk's packet and must be prepared by you, in accordance with state statute. If you prefer, you may contact an attorney to provide this service.

If the judge approves the motion, your record will be sealed or expunged. The Clerk's office will then provide certified copies of the order to those agencies that have a record of your arrest, so they may seal or expunge their records, as well. However, you are responsible for payment of the cost of the copies and certification, in addition to a $42.00 statutory processing fee.

Apply for Criminal Indigent Status

Criminal Indigent Status

If you cannot afford a private attorney and need a public defender, refer to Florida Statute 27.52 for eligibility criteria.

How to Apply for Criminal Indigent Status (Public Defender)

  • To apply for Criminal Indigent Status, you must submit a completed Application for Criminal Indigent Status form for processing.
  • The application will be reviewed and either approved or denied based on the guidelines in Florida Statute 27.52.
  • After submission, you will receive written notification regarding the status of your application
  • If approved, you must pay a $50 fee to the Clerk of Court within seven (7) days, as required by Florida Statute 27.52.

Submission Methods:

Online Submission:

Email the completed Application for Criminal Indigent Status form to

Ensure you include your signature to verify the information is correct and truthful.

Pay the $50 Public Defender fee online (this option is only available for some court cases).

  • Go to the Case Search page to locate your case by name or case number.
  • Click the Pay Fine/Fee button to submit your payment using American Express, MasterCard, or Visa.
In-Person or by Mail submission:

You may mail, or hand-deliver, the completed Application for Criminal Indigent Status to the appropriate Clerk of Court division where your case is filed.

Be sure to sign the application to confirm that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

In-Person Payment: The $50 Public Defender fee can be paid in person. Pay by Cash, Money Order, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. NOTE: Photo ID is required for in-person credit card payments.

Mail Payment: If mailing your payment, send a Money Order (drawn on a U.S. bank only) made payable to the Clerk of the Courts. Include the case number and clearly indicate the payment is for the $50 Public Defender fee. Do not send cash by mail!

Submission Locations:

  • Felony Division, 201 S.E. 6th Street, North Building, 1st Floor, Room: 1882, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
  • Juvenile Division, 201 S.E. 6th Street, West Building, 5th Floor, Room: 05180, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
  • Traffic and Misdemeanor Division, 201 S.E. 6th Street, West Building, 1st Floor, Room: 1130, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Forms and Self Help

The Clerk’s Office is unable to provide legal advice or assistance.

To assist you, below you will find forms and legal resources. For further assistance, please visit the Self Help Equal Access Center - Law Library, where Law Librarians are available to assist you in locating forms and legal resources.

  • Self Help Equal Access Center - Law Library
    Central Courthouse
    Judicial Complex, North Wing

  • 1st Floor, Room: 1800
    201 S.E. 6th Street
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
     Directions to this Location

  •  954-831-6226

  • Monday - Friday
    7:30 am - 3:30 pm
    Excluding Courthouse Holidays

Visit our Law Library located on the first floor of the North Wing of the Courthouse to find:

  • Additional forms including Family, Landlord/Tenant, Criminal, Probate and Guardianship, Traffic, and much more
  • Photocopy machines, computers, and Wi-Fi
  • Print materials, online databases and resources, self-help publications, Westlaw and Lexis
  • Comfortable, quiet work areas
  • Law Librarians available to direct you to resources related to your legal information needs

Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary of Terms

The following terms are referenced from Black's Law Dictionary and are being provided to assist with general understanding of court Terminology. Terms that have **by them are an in-house definition but are not a legal definition. Some terms may indicate a Florida Statute reference or another reference that can be researched Online on those sites.

Abatement1. The act of eliminating or nullifying.; 2. The suspension or defeat of a pending action for a reason unrelated to the merits of the claim.
Administrator Ad LitemA special administrator appointed by the court to represent the estate’s interest in an action usu. either because there is no administrator of the estate or because the current administrator has an interest in the action adverse to that of the estate.
Administrative OrderA directive necessary to administer properly the court’s affairs but not inconsistent with the constitution or with court rules and administrative orders entered by the supreme court. **Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, Rule 2.120 **
AFFSee Affidavit**
AffiantOne who makes an affidavit.
AffidavitA voluntary declaration of facts written down and sworn to by the declarant before an officer authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public.
Affirmative DefensesA defendant’s assertion of facts and arguments that, if true, will defeat the plaintiff’s or prosecution’s claim, even if all the allegations in the complaint are true.
AffirmanceThe formal approval by an appellate court of a lower court’s judgment, order or decree.
A/K/AAlso known as**
AliasAn assumed or additional, name that a person has used or is known by.
AmendTo make right; to correct or rectify. To change the wording of; specify, to formally alter by striking out, inserting, or substituting words.
AnswerA defendant’s first pleading that addresses the merits of the case, usu, by denying the plaintiff’s allegations.
AppealA proceeding undertaken to have a decision reconsidered by a higher authority; esp, the submission of a lower court’s or agency’s decision to a higher court for review and possible reversal.
AppellantA party who appeals a lower court’s decision, usu. seeking reversal of that decision.
AppelleeThe party against whom an appeal is taken and whose role is to respond to that appeal, seeking affirmance of the lower court’s decision.
A/S/O/As subrogee of**
Bond EstreatureCourt order to forfeit bond to the county. ****
BSOBroward Sheriff's Office**
CaptionThe introductory part of a court paper stating the names of the parties, the name of the court, the docket or file number, and a description of the paper.
Certified CopyA duplicate of an original document, certified as an exact reproduction by the officer responsible for issuing or keeping the original.
Clerk's FeeThe fee which the clerk's office charges whenever money is deposited into the court registry account.**
Clerk's SatisfactionThe form prepared when a judgment debtor pays the judgment to the court.**
Clerk's MinutesThe compilation by the Court Clerk of the events occurring in a trial.**
ConsolidationThe act or process of uniting; the state of being united.
D/B/A/Doing business as**
DefendantA person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding.
DepositionWitness’s out-of-court testimony that is reduced to writing for later use in court or for discovery purposes.
DocketA formal record in which a judge or court clerk briefly notes all the proceedings and filings in a court case.
Et AlAnd all others**
Exemplified CopyA duplicate of an original document, certified as an exact reproduction by the officer responsible for issuing or keeping the original.
Ex ParteDone or made at the instance and for the benefit of one party only, and without notice to, or argument by, any person adversely interested; or of relating to court action taken by one party without notice to the other, for temporary or emergency relief.
ExtraditionThe official surrender of an alleged criminal by one state or nation to another having jurisdiction over the crime charged; the return of a fugitive from justice, regardless of consent, by the authorities where the fugitive is found.
F/D/B/AFormerly doing business as**
Fictitious NameThe name under which a business operates or by which it is commonly known.
F/K/AFormerly known as**
ForfeitureThe divestiture of property without compensation.
ForthwithImmediately; without delay.
F/U/B/O/For the use and benefit of**
General MagistrateA judicial officer with strictly limited jurisdiction and authority, often on the local level and often restricted to criminal cases.
Habeas CorpusA writ employed to bring a person before a court, most frequently to ensure that the party’s imprisonment or detention is not illegal.
IndexAn alphabetized listing of the topics or other items included in a single book or document, or in a series of volumes, usu. found at the end of the book, document, or series.
IndecencyThe state or condition of a person who lacks the means of subsistence; extreme hardship or neediness; poverty.
Interlocutory OrderAn order that relates to some intermediate matter in the case; any order other than a final order.
JAJudicial assistant**
JurisdictionA government’s general power to exercise authority over all persons and things within its territory.
MandamusA writ issued by a superior court to compel a lower court or a government officer to perform mandatory or purely ministerial duties correctly.
MandateAn order from an appellate court directing a lower court to take a specified action.
Memorandum at LawA party’s written statement of its legal arguments presented to the court, usu. in the form of a brief.
MicrofilmRolls of film on which old court records are stored.**
N/K/A/Now Known as**
Order to Show CauseAn order directing a party to appear in court and explain why the party took some action or why the court should or should not grant some relief.
Perpetuation of TestimonyThe means or procedure for preserving for future use witness testimony that might otherwise be unavailable at trial.
PetitionA formal written request presented to a court or other official body.
PleadingA formal document, in which a party to a legal proceeding sets forth or responds to allegations, claims, denials, or defenses.
PluriesA third or subsequent writ issued when the previous writs have been ineffective; a writ issued after an alias writ.
Pro SeFor oneself; on one’s own behalf; without a lawyer.
QuashTo annul or make void; to terminate.
Record on AppealThe record of a trial-court proceeding as presented to the appellate court for review.
RecusalRemoval of oneself as judge or policy-maker in a particular manner, esp. because of a conflict of interest.
RemandedTo recommit (an accused person) to custody after a preliminary examination.
Rule to Show CaseSee Order to Show Cause
SEDSupport Enforcement Division**
StyleA case name or designation.
SubpoenaTo call before a court or other tribunal by subpoena.
Subpoena Duces TecumA subpoena ordering the witness to appear and to bring specified documents, records, or things.
SummonsTo command (a person) by service of a summons to appear in court.
Surety BondA bond given by a surety to ensure the timely performance of a contract.
True CopyA copy that, while not necessarily exact, is sufficiently close to the original that anyone can understand it.
VenueThe county or other territory over which a trial court has jurisdiction.
Verified Certified CopyA duplicate of an original (usu. official) document, certified as an exact reproduction usu. by the officer responsible for issuing or keeping the original.
WritA court’s written order, in the name of a state or other competent legal authority, commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some specified act.
Body Attachment, WritThe arrest of a person who either is in contempt of court or is to be held as security for the payment of a judgment.
Execution, Writ ofA court order directing a sheriff or other officer to enforce a judgment, usu. by seizing and selling the judgment debtor’s property.
Replevin, Writ ofA writ obtained from court authorizing the retaking of personal property wrongfully taken or detained.

Contact Information

  • Central Courthouse
    Judicial Complex, North Building

  • 201 S.E. 6th Street
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
     Directions To This Location

  • 1st Floor, Room: 1882

  •  954-831-6565 - (option 1)
  •  954-831-5600 - Attorneys

  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

    Excluding Holidays